Signature Speeches

  • Dream Bigger Than Your Age

    In this signature speech, youth empowerment is fostered as students are inspired to “dream big” regardless of how young or far ahead in life they are.

    Trinity began writing her debut novel, Jona during her freshman year of high school and now has published works through various booksellers. In sharing her own success story, students are inspired to adopt the mindset of choosing to dream big despite their age.

  • Mental Health Matters

    In this signature speech, mental health is made priority as students are left with practical applications.

    As students are learning to navigate what post-pandemic recovery looks like meanwhile overcome challenges faced in teen years, anxiety is at an all time high. Utilizing textual references, Trinity lets a fictional character’s journey to mental freedom become tangible

  • Writing Your Life Story

    In this signature speech, intentional decision making is emphasized among students.

    Trinity has a strong-held belief that we are all authors being that we all write our life stories. With this, students are lead to a final self-reflection to consider how they want the rest of their stories to go.

Interactive Presentations

  • Essay Writing for The Win

    Students will engage in a presentation that provides them with tips on college application and scholarship essay writing.

    Using textual examples from her debut novel, Jona, the author’s writing process provides students with strategies they can incorporate during their writing process in preparation for college life.

  • Inspiring The Next Generation of Authors

    Students will engage in a presentation designed to foster creativity and inspire young writers.

    This presentation is based off the author’s debut novel, Jona. Through a fun and shared writing experience, students get inspired to become the next generation of authors.