Signature Speeches
The Power of Perservance
In this signature speech, the audience is moved to be more resilient as the power of perserverance is a reoccuring theme.
While finding much success since publication, Trinity’s journey was not seamless. From losing every word typed half-way through the writing process to having published works through various book sellers, grit is a takeaway for all.
Defining Your "Why"
In this signature speech, the audience is lead to take a deeper reflection when it comes to goal-setting as they learn to define their “why”.
Even with the most strategic action plan for goals and achieving new milestones, the pandemic taught us that sometimes “life just happens”. While uncontrollable challenges arise, it’s important for us to hold onto the reason why we initially got started.
Interactive Presentations
Prioritzing Your Peace
The audience will engage in a presentation that provides them with tips on making mental peace a tangible reality.
As we’re making gradual returns to corporate settings, learning how to find peace during a post-pandemic recovery is essential. By utilizing textual examples, author Trinity Davis turns verbal advocacy for mental health into practical steps.